Life Poetries | Poetry In English | "Brain At War With The Heart"

Life is a war between the heart and the brain, and this war goes on and on. The two have always been opposite of each other and the soul always remains stuck between the two.  I sometimes think about why they always do so, heart wants something that the brain doesn't allow. Surrounded by questions we want to get answered but the war of brain and heart always creates confusion.

This piece of poetry is dedicated to these wars between the heart and the brain that goes on the whole life.

English Poetry | Life Poetries


Some unknown sounds sometimes distract,
They try to deviate the path you are at,
Sometimes some emotions, sometimes there's no one else,
Some unknown voices shout to stay back,
"Why?" Questioning these confusions behind,
Seeking for answers that are not easy to find,
The brain at war with the heart in the fields,
Sometimes victory is achieved by intellect they yield,
But sometimes some emotions put a strong force on their side,
The heart win sometimes, sometimes the conflict end with a tie,
The brain sometimes become a bit more serious,
It block the passage to feel the senses,
The little soul stuck in between the two warriors,
Unknown with the disturbances that are going inside,
Felt afraid, felt confusion deep down,
The little soul is suffering at ground.

Life Poetries | Poetry In English | Brain at war with the heart

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